"The school council allows everyone to say what they think and share ideas"
At Finlay, we believe that our children should contribute to the life of our school community and the community around them.
Our School Council plays an essential part in achieving this aim, where children can share their views and ideas, representing their classmates, to help make our school the best it can be.
It is an essential part of the School Council’s responsibility, to uphold the school's vision: Aspire, Belong, Achieve.
Our School Council aims to encourage our children to:
Have a ‘voice’ and to share their opinions and ideas with others
Become more confident, resilient and independent, and to develop strength of character
Develop confidence, a sense of responsibility and make the most of their abilities
Prepare them to play an active role as citizens
Develop good relationships with peers, stakeholders and other adults in school
Have mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths, cultures and beliefs
Have respect for different strengths and abilities and disabilities to promote inclusion throughout our school
Our School Council will give children the experience of:
Planning, organising and monitoring small projects
Speaking and listening skills to include working with external professionals
Debating skills
Mediation and negotiating skills
Basic budgeting and managing money
Preparing our pupils for citizenship, by teaching them about roles, rights and responsibilities within the school system
Sharing information with their class, and get ideas and views from their peers
We hold weekly meetings with the School Council, to discuss projects, any issues raised by their classmates, and ideas for improving the school and the community. Pupil representatives are responsible for giving feedback to their individual classes and listening to their ideas and suggestions, in readiness to feedback at the next council meeting.
Upholding the British value of democracy, class elections are held at the start of every year so that different representatives can put forward their election speeches as well as developing the full potential of the School Councils to complete tasks. Those children wishing to be elected, must prepare and deliver a speech to their peers. The class then votes for their representatives.
School Council Team
What has our School Council achieved so far?
Raised funds for OPAL play
Played a pivotal role in the implementation of new playground equipment, sharing their voice with Governors
Supported the school in choosing the catering contract
Organised a range of fundraising activities to support charity events
Co – Headteacher: Mrs Hannah Williams
Co-Headteacher/Deputy Headteacher: Mrs Heather Willis
Assistant Headteacher (Maternity Cover): Miss Nikki Livermore
SENDco: Mrs Katie Kirby (email: katie.kirby@finlay.gloucs.sch.uk)
Safeguarding Lead: Michelle Bryce (email: michelle.bryce@finlay.gloucs.sch.uk)
Address: Finlay Community School, Finlay Road, Gloucester, GL4 6TR
School Day - Start: 8:50am
(with drop off from 8:40am)
Finish: 3:20pm
Our school hours are 32.5 hours per week