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Providing early help is more effective in promoting the welfare of children than reacting later. Early help means providing support as soon as a problem emerges, at any point in a child's life, from the foundation years through to the teenage years. Early help can also prevent further problems from arising, for example, if it is provided as part of a support plan.
Working Together to Safeguard Children (2023) guidance re-emphasises the collective responsibility placed on all agencies, including schools, to identify, assess and provide effective targeted early help services. An aim is to ensure that professionals are clear when it is their responsibility to help children and families, as problems emerge from families living in difficult circumstances.
The school's Family Services Team are central to the school's commitment to support young people and families, signposting families to offers of early help to avoid an escalation of issues. The team aims to provide help as soon as problems start to emerge, or when there is a strong likelihood that problems will arise in the future.
The Family Services Team currently facilitate:
Signposting families to other support services and agencies
Pastoral support
Organising open mornings and workshops for parents and carers
Providing details of out of school and holiday activities
For more information, please contact our Family Services Manager, Michelle Bryce on 01452 530310 option 3
Please also read our Early Help offer below:
Offer of Early Help March 2024
Family Information Service​
The Family Information Service (FIS) offer a wide range of information advice, and signposting to support families, children and young people from 0 - 19 years of age (or up to 25 years for young people with SEND).This includes information held on the Glosfamilies Directory, an online directory bringing together information, services, resources, and things to do in Gloucestershire. www.glosfamiliesdirectory.org.uk is home to Support for Families with SEND, Gloucestershire’s Local Offer and Future Me, Young People’s Local Offer.
For more information:
W: www.glosfamiliesdirectory.org.uk
T : 01452 427 362
E : familyinfo@gloucestershire.gov.uk
Early Help Documents
Mental Health Support Teams in Schools Information for Parents
Co – Headteacher: Mrs Hannah Williams
Co-Headteacher/Deputy Headteacher: Mrs Heather Willis
Assistant Headteacher (Maternity Cover): Miss Nikki Livermore
SENDco: Mrs Katie Kirby (email: katie.kirby@finlay.gloucs.sch.uk)
Safeguarding Lead: Michelle Bryce (email: michelle.bryce@finlay.gloucs.sch.uk)
Address: Finlay Community School, Finlay Road, Gloucester, GL4 6TR
School Day - Start: 8:50am
(with drop off from 8:40am)
Finish: 3:20pm
Our school hours are 32.5 hours per week