The CHF Community Federation governs both Coney Hill Community Primary School and Finlay Community School.
Both schools work together to share knowledge, expertise and resources, however our schools are both very unique and the CHF Community Federation governs the schools with this in mind, ensuring that both schools maintain their unique identities which is so important in the communities they serve. The CHF Community Federation Governors come from all walks of life and play a vital role in shaping the schools and ensuring educational standards are met.
For more information around the CHF Federation, please follow the link below:
The CHF Community Federation
"We work together and discuss how we make our school a great place for our children"
Parent Governor
Co – Headteacher: Mrs Hannah Williams
Co-Headteacher/Deputy Headteacher: Mrs Heather Willis
Assistant Headteacher (Maternity Cover): Miss Nikki Livermore
SENDco: Mrs Katie Kirby (email: katie.kirby@finlay.gloucs.sch.uk)
Safeguarding Lead: Michelle Bryce (email: michelle.bryce@finlay.gloucs.sch.uk)
Address: Finlay Community School, Finlay Road, Gloucester, GL4 6TR
School Day - Start: 8:50am
(with drop off from 8:40am)
Finish: 3:20pm
Our school hours are 32.5 hours per week