Our Parent, Teacher and Friends Association (PTFA) work closely with our school community to arrange events in school such as discos, cake sales, movie nights, award ceremonies and our Finlay Festival. The money raised from these events is donated back into school to contribute to support with fundraising initiatives, purchase essential resources and supplies for school. Our main aim from fundraising is to buy items for school that will benefit all children.
The Finlay PTFA pride themselves on their contribution to wider school life: they support the school with fundraising efforts but also spend time volunteering in school.
Our Members:
We are made up of parents, teachers and friends of our school and local community.
We need your help!
We are always looking for parents to get involved and help with the PTFA, whether it be offering ideas, sponsorship or simply volunteering for an hour to help at an event. Some of the roles are time-consuming, although also rewarding. If you can’t commit to a big job, look out for things you can do less frequently like helping at the disco, baking for a cake sale or donating prizes for school competitions. Our group is very informal, friendly and lots of fun. Don’t worry - you won’t get roped into anything you don’t want to do. To get in touch, please speak to one the members or email ptfa@finlay.gloucs.sch.uk
Upcoming events and meetings!
27th September - PTFA Meeting @ 2.30pm
14th October - Reception Disco
15th October - Year 1 & Year 2 Disco
16th October - Year 3 & Year 4 Disco
17th October - Year 5 & Year 6 Disco
22nd October - Pre-loved Uniform Shop
29th November - Non-Uniform Day (chocolate donations)
5th December - Christmas Jumper Sale
Co – Headteacher: Mrs Hannah Williams
Co-Headteacher/Deputy Headteacher: Mrs Heather Willis
Assistant Headteacher (Maternity Cover): Miss Nikki Livermore
SENDco: Mrs Katie Kirby (email: katie.kirby@finlay.gloucs.sch.uk)
Safeguarding Lead: Michelle Bryce (email: michelle.bryce@finlay.gloucs.sch.uk)
Address: Finlay Community School, Finlay Road, Gloucester, GL4 6TR
School Day - Start: 8:50am
(with drop off from 8:40am)
Finish: 3:20pm
Our school hours are 32.5 hours per week