'Uniforms give pupils a sense of belonging and creates an identity for the school in the community.'
All children wear our school uniform, which consists of a purple sweatshirt, grey or black trousers, shorts or skirts and white polo shirts. Generic items such as plain sweatshirts, cardigans and polo shirts in school colours are also okay.
These items are required and can be purchased from multiple retailers, including supermarkets. Branded items can be bought from Monkhouse schoolwear specialists: 99 Northgate Street, Gloucester, GL1 2AA. https://www.monkhouse.com/school/finlay-community-school-urn-135727
Pre-loved uniform is often available from the school office or at sales held throughout the school year. This is organised by our PTA.
Our school uniform policy details all uniform requirements.
Children are only allowed to wear studs in their ears. These have to be removed for P.E and swimming lessons or covered with a plaster. The child must be able to remove or cover them by themselves.
Necklaces, chains, rings and any other body piercings are not allowed.
This policy is enforced for safety reasons as during the day, children are involved in various forms of sport and physical activity.
It is recognised that some religions / cultures wear certain types of jewellery as part of their beliefs. Where this is known to be the case, we will work with the parents to agree on a way to support this.
Swimming lessons are organised for pupils in KS2 throughout the year. They will need a swimming costume and a towel. Goggles are allowed when accompanied by written permission. All articles of clothing including footwear should be clearly marked with the child’s name.
Co – Headteacher: Mrs Hannah Williams
Co-Headteacher/Deputy Headteacher: Mrs Heather Willis
Assistant Headteacher (Maternity Cover): Miss Nikki Livermore
SENDco: Mrs Katie Kirby (email: katie.kirby@finlay.gloucs.sch.uk)
Safeguarding Lead: Michelle Bryce (email: michelle.bryce@finlay.gloucs.sch.uk)
Address: Finlay Community School, Finlay Road, Gloucester, GL4 6TR
School Day - Start: 8:50am
(with drop off from 8:40am)
Finish: 3:20pm
Our school hours are 32.5 hours per week